This application design was time killer. In 2015 I was stuck at my workplace with a few colleagues due to the floods sinking most of the city. In the midst of boredom over 3 days I came up with a radical question.
What would it be like if Amnesty had to run a volunteering campaign, to support and to save people from the floods?
Based on this question, I worked through boredom to create this application interface based on a speculated scenario. This design was overall a personal project based on my imagination and a relative challenge that existed at that time.
The Challenge
The people stuck in floods were stranded on rooftops or stuck inside houses, with no way out. All the groceries and food supplies diminished due to flood and no fresh supplies were available at stores or were accessible.       All people stuck in Chennai were immobilised by the flood and were lacking basic resources like fresh water to drink and food to eat as result of the contamination caused by the floods. This forced the army to extract people from their rooftops and also call for help from locals who were safe and able to aid the wounded.  There were many locations for refuge and medical but this information wasn’t accessible to all.

The Concept
Taking the three problems; lack of information, lack of volunteers and resources and point of communication into perspective, designing a basic application UI for an Amnesty campaign was the idea. Assuming what if Amnesty could aid with a campaign the UI design was inspired from their style guide and had data about where help is needed and what resources or how many volunteers were required at what location. ​​​​​​​
This work is purely a speculative and based on imagination.
This work is not used by any company or organisation.
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